$149,900: 1109 S Prairie Street, Champaign
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Nearby Bus Stops:

AddressDirect Distance (miles)Route
State & Avondale (NW Corner)0.10(0.1 mi) 4 Blue, 9 Brown Alternate PM
State & Hessel (NE Corner)0.14(0.1 mi) 100 Yellow Evening, 100 Yellow Evening Saturday, 100 Yellow Saturday, 100 Yellow Sunday
Randolph & Avondale (SE)0.19(0.2 mi) 4 Blue, 9 Brown A Alternate
Neil & Stadium (SE Corner)0.26(0.3 mi) 1 Yellow Alternate
Kirby & Valley Rd. (NE Corner)0.37(0.4 mi) 10 Gold, 9 Brown Alternate PM
John & Prairie (NE Corner)0.39(0.4 mi) 4 Blue, 5 Green Hopper
Edison Middle School0.471 Yellow S Alternate, 16 Pink Alternate, 3 Lavender Alternate, 5 Green Express 2 Alternate, 5 Green West Express, 7 Grey Alternate, 7 Grey W Alternate, 9 Brown A Alternate, ...
Green & Randolph (SW Corner)0.49(0.5 mi) 50 Green Late Night, 50 Green Late Night Saturday, 50 Green Late Night Sunday
Green & State (NW Corner)0.50(0.5 mi) 3 Lavender, 5 Green Hopper
First & Stadium (NW Corner)0.53(0.5 mi) 1 Yellow, 1 Yellow Hopper, 10 Gold, 10 Gold Hopper, 100 Yellow Evening, 100 Yellow Evening Saturday, 100 Yellow Late Night, 100 Yellow Late Night Saturday, ...
Green & Neil (NW Far Side)0.53(0.5 mi) 1 Yellow Alternate, 5 Green Express
First & Gregory (SE Corner)0.53(0.5 mi) 1 Yellow, 1 Yellow Hopper, 10 Gold, 10 Gold Hopper, 100 Yellow Evening, 100 Yellow Evening Saturday, 100 Yellow Late Night, 100 Yellow Late Night Saturday, ...
First & Stadium (SE Corner)0.53(0.5 mi) 1 Yellow, 1 Yellow Hopper, 10 Gold, 10 Gold Hopper, 100 Yellow Late Night, 100 Yellow Late Night Saturday, 100 Yellow Late Night Sunday, 14 Navy, ...
Kirby & Oak (SE Corner)0.54(0.5 mi) 1 Yellow, 1 Yellow Hopper, 10 Gold, 10 Gold Hopper, 100 Yellow Late Night, 100 Yellow Late Night Saturday, 100 Yellow Late Night Sunday, 14 Navy, ...
Green & Neil (SE Far Side)0.55(0.5 mi) 5 Green Express 2 Alternate, 5 Green Hopper, 50 Green Evening, 50 Green Evening Saturday, 50 Green Hopper Evening, 50 Green Hopper Evening Saturday, 50 Green Late Night, 50 Green Late Night Saturday, ...
Fox & State (NE Corner)0.63(0.6 mi) 1 Yellow, 100 Yellow Evening, 100 Yellow Evening Saturday, 100 Yellow Saturday, 100 Yellow Sunday, 9 Brown, 9 Brown Alternate

$149,900: 1109 S Prairie Street, Champaign