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1910 Robert Drive, Champaign, IL
Bedrooms: 3
Baths: 2 full
Garage: 2
Age/Year Built: 61-70 Years / 1963
Approximate SQ FT: 1,909
Main SQ FT: 1,909
Days On Market: 2
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814 W Clark Street, Champaign, IL
Bedrooms: 3
Baths: 1 full
Garage: 2
Age/Year Built: 91-100 Years / 1928
Approximate SQ FT: 1,736
Upper SQ FT: 667
Main SQ FT: 659
Basement SQ FT: 646
Days On Market: 31
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1316 W White Street, Champaign, IL
Bedrooms: 3
Baths: 2 full
Garage: 3
Age/Year Built: 71-80 Years / 1945
Approximate SQ FT: 1,927
Upper SQ FT: 386
Main SQ FT: 783
Basement SQ FT: 758
Virtual Tour: Yes
Days On Market: 32
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1304 W Columbia Avenue, Champaign, IL
Bedrooms: 3
Baths: 2 full
Garage: 2
Age/Year Built: 91-100 Years / 1930
Approximate SQ FT: 1,941
Upper SQ FT: 621
Main SQ FT: 705
Basement SQ FT: 615
Virtual Tour: Yes
Days On Market: 43
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1209 W Daniel Street, Champaign, IL
Bedrooms: 3
Baths: 2 full
Garage: 1
Age/Year Built: 81-90 Years / 1938
Approximate SQ FT: 1,630
Upper SQ FT: 730
Main SQ FT: 865
Basement SQ FT: 609
Virtual Tour: Yes
Days On Market: 293
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