$149,900: 2207 Rainbow Drive, Urbana
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Address: 2207 Rainbow Drive, Urbana, IL
Seller's listing price: $149,900
Property Type:
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2 Full
Finished Sq. Footage: 1,284
Main Level Sq. Footage: 1,284
Garage: Detached
Year Built: 2013
Lot Size: 7304.36 [?]
Days On Market: 19
Great investment property! Charming split level house. The lower level is nicely finished with tile floor and ample size rooms. The upper level has 3 bed rooms and a nice living room. Kitchen has lots of natural light and a large raised deck in the backyard. Tenant recently vacated property; house is priced to sell in as-in condition.
»  2023 taxes: $3,483  
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Listing Agency: Weiner Co., Ltd.
$149,900: 2207 Rainbow Drive, Urbana